Study in Australia

Facts about studying in Australia..

  • Australia is the third most popular international student destination in the world.
  • Australia is currently home to nearly 700,000 international students.
  • Australia is having six of the world’s top 100 universities.
  • Australia having one of the best higher education systems in the world.
  • The Australian Government has invested over A$300 million in scholarships for international students.
  • Universities rank in the world’s top 50 in a huge range of study areas.
  • Seven of the best student cities in the world are in Australia.

Benefits to Study in Australia.!

  • Gain work experience while you study: While Study in Abroad, you can work up to 20 hours per week during the semester and full-time during the semester break.
  • Live and study in safety: Australian cities have some of the lowest crime rates in the world, and our streets and public spaces are open and safe.
  • Feel welcome in a multicultural society: Australia is a friendly and welcoming country. Australian nation values individual freedoms, and the rights of citizens and visitors are protected under a transparent legal system
  • Enjoy a high standard of living: Australia is a technologically advanced country with a strong, globally competitive economy. You will enjoy all the benefits of high-quality services, transportation and infrastructure in Australian towns and cities.
  • Employment opportunities: SIGNUP INTERNATIONAL institutions make students work-ready and understand what it takes to succeed in the global workforce with higher education in Australia. An Australian qualification will make you an extremely attractive potential employee to employers in Australia, at home and around the world.

Available Top Courses

  • Business Management (MBA)
  • Medical (MBBS)
  • Accounting
  • Mass Communication
  • Law
  • Engineering
  • Envionmental Science

Best 10 Universities in Australia for International Students

  1. Australian National University
  2. The University of Melbourne
  3. The University of New South Wales
  4. The University of Queensland
  5. The University of Sydney
  6. Monash University
  7. University of Western Australia
  8. The University of South Australia
  9. Macquarie University
  10. University of Canberra

Average student living costs in Australia

International students living in Australia need between 1,400 and 2,500 AUD/month to cover all their living expenses, including accommodation, food, and social activities. Keep in mind that when you apply for the student visa in Australia, you will need to prove you have the financial resources to live and study in the country.
Check the average budget you’ll need for some of the most popular student cities in Australia:

  • Sydney: starting at 1,900 AUD/month
  • Adelaide: starting at 1,300 AUD/month
  • Brisbane: starting at 1,400 AUD/month
  • Melbourne: starting at 1,500 AUD/month
  • Canberra: starting at 1,400 AUD/month

Requirements To Study In Australia

  • English language proficiency: English language proficiency is now a requirement when applying for a student visa. The IELTS is the only test accepted by the Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs for student visa purposes.


  • Undergraduate: Undergraduate courses require an Australian Senior School Certificate of Education (Year 12) or the overseas equivalent of Australian high school matriculation, such as three passes at GCE A Levels in appropriate subjects. Some courses may also have certain pre-requisite subjects.
  • Postgraduate: Entry to postgraduate courses requires satisfactory completion of a first degree at undergraduate level. Demonstrated research ability or relevant work experience may also be taken into consideration.
  • Vocational education and training: Usually there are no other entrance exams to VET institutions. However, some courses may have certain pre-requisite subjects or demonstrated work experience.
  • Other Tests GMAT: For most management courses, International students are required to take GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test). Most Australian Universities do not require the GRE for admission to post graduate courses. However, it is advisable to enclose a copy of your score sheet if you have done well in the test.
  • Work Experience:Several professional and vocational courses require relevant work experience. For instance, many MBAs or master’s courses in information studies require at least a couple of years’ work experience

Step by step guide for Student visa Application

Book your IELTS Classes and take the IELTS exam

After IELTS Results

  • Academic Documents Verification
  • Documents are forwarded to University/College for offer letter.
  • If the documents are accepted,you will receive the offer letter
  • Collect student visa
  • Pay tuition and ECOE
  • Pass the medical exam
  • Collect visa grant letter

Universities we represent directly, and they offer Nursing Program


  • Torrens University
  • Australian Catholic University
  • Federation University
  • La Trobe University


  • Torrens University
  • University of the Sunshine Coast
  • University of the Southern Queensland
  • Griffith University
  • James Cook University
  • Central Queensland University
  • Southern Cross University


Scholarship available up to 25% plus Australia Studies Bursar

South Australia:

  • Torrens University
  • University of Adelaide
  • University of South Australia

Western Australia:

  • Curtin University
  • Murdoch University
  • Edith Cowan University


  • University of Tasmania


  • University of Canberra
  • Australian Catholic University

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Qualifications

  • VET qualifications are outcome-based and focus on the occupational skills and competencies gained. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognizes prior learning or current competence in the industry. This makes credit transfer easier and offers students flexible learning pathways. Qualifications range across four levels of certificates (Certificate I, II, III and IV), as well as Diploma courses and Advanced Diploma courses.


  • Your VET course will broaden your skills in a specialized area that teaches you the practical experience you’ll need for the workplace. It will train you to design, plan, and execute the practical and technical aspects of your field in an industry context.

Listed below are the qualifications and possible career outcomes of Australian VET courses

Certificate I

  • Duration– 4 to 6 months
  • Career outcome– Competent operator

Certificate II

  • Duration – About 1 year
  • Career outcome – Advanced operator

Certificate III

  • Duration– About 1 year
  • Career outcome– Qualified tradesperson or technician

Certificate IV

  • Duration– 12 to 18 months
  • Career outcome– Supervisor


  • Duration– 18 to 24 months
  • Career outcome– Para-professional

Advanced Diploma

  • Duration– 24 to 36 months
  • Career outcome– Junior manager